MLMIC’s Physician Policyholders Reveal Their Most Effective Strategies to Mitigate the Risks of Claims and Suits

MLMIC continues to promote risk management strategies that reduce exposure to claims and enhance patient safety and satisfaction. Recently, we surveyed our physician policyholders to ascertain what characteristics they attributed to being a “claims free” or “claims experienced” physician. Over 2,200 policyholder physicians responded to our survey request. The responses revealed that many of the characteristics that contribute to being “claims free” have a direct correlation to patient satisfaction. Some of these attributes include:

  • effective communication with patients;
  • patient education;
  • coordination of care among specialties; and
  • strong documentation.

For additional results of the survey – including responses related to the patient relationship, adverse outcomes, proactive risk management and patient education – check out our Fall 2015 Dateline starting on page 6.