New Albany Report: Results of 2017 NYS Legislative Session

MLMIC's Albany Report

To give policyholders a concise, insiders’ view of legislative, regulatory and political developments affecting medical malpractice insurance, MLMIC has released a new edition of The Albany Report. It arrives on the heels of a NYS legislative session that included some surprises and disappointments for the medical malpractice insurance market.

The latest edition of The Albany Report (Volume 1, Number 3; available here*) includes an update regarding passage of legislation broadening the statute of limitations governing actions that allege medical malpractice. MLMIC and its partners intend to ask Governor Cuomo to veto the legislation, which was passed in the final hours of the session. As also described in this edition, MLMIC is disappointed in the legislature’s failure to provide confidentiality and immunity protections for peer review, and we continue to monitor the growing – and worrisome – influence the New York State Trial Lawyers Association (NYSTLA) has in Albany politics.

For over 40 years, MLMIC has been committed to meeting the liability insurance needs of physicians, dentists, hospitals and other healthcare professionals. As a core part of its mission, MLMIC is, and always has been, a strong advocate for the healthcare community and has effectively lobbied for legislative and regulatory reform to address those issues that continue to impact healthcare professionals. The Albany Report is intended to enhance this advocacy.

* UPDATE: This edition is no longer live. Please access the most current version of The Albany Report here.