Strategies for Reopening Medical and Dental Practices Post Pandemic

post-COVID-19 operations

Many hospitals, medical offices, surgical facilities and dental providers will soon be permitted to resume services if the institution meets criteria set forth by local, state and national authoritative and regulatory agencies. To support policyholders as they prepare for post-COVID-19 operations, MLMIC and MedPro Group have developed the following checklists that highlight key considerations for building a safe and effective strategy when reopening:

  • Hospital Checklist with instruction on personal protective equipment (PPE), employee screening, testing and training, patient triage, electronic health record updates, preparation for a second wave of COVID-19 infections, supply management and more.
  • Dental Checklist with recommendations related to staff scheduling, the American Dental Association’s Mask and Face Shield Guidelines, employee PPE supply, prioritization of procedures, infection control procedures, office preparation and more.

MLMIC has assembled a number of  COVID-19 resources on our website and will continue to keep policyholders informed of pandemic-related developments.

Our insureds also have access to MLMIC’s toll free 24/7 Legal Hotline: (855) FAKS-LAW (1-855-325-7529). Our experts are available to help you address the challenges that may arise as you continue to care for patients throughout the nationwide response to the coronavirus emergency.