New Risk Prediction Model Can Help Inform Clinical Care Decisions Related to COVID-19

risk prediction model for COVID-19

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Cleveland Clinic researchers have developed a new risk prediction model to help physicians forecast a “patient’s likelihood of testing positive for COVID-19 as well as their outcomes from the disease,” reports Science Daily. Lerner Research Institute’s Department of Quantitative Health Sciences’ Michael Kattan says the investigative team “used statistical algorithms to transform data from registry patients’ electronic medical records into the first-of-its-kind nomogram.” Published in CHEST, the risk calculator determines how factors including age, race, gender, socioeconomic status, vaccination history and medications influence an individual’s COVID-19 risk, as well as their potential disease severity and chance of hospitalization.

Researchers cited by Science Daily say the nomogram establishes a “scientific approach” to helping healthcare personnel optimize resources when administering tests, triaging care, using personal protective equipment, allocating hospital beds and making other decisions related to clinical care for COVID-19 patients. Additionally, Cleveland Clinic’s Chief Research Information Officer Lara Jehi explains that the tool is particularly important in preparing for a possible second wave of the virus because “understanding a person’s risk is the first step in potential care and treatment planning.”

MLMIC encourages policyholders to review the nomogram, which can be accessed without charge, on the Cleveland Clinic’s Predict COVID-19 test result website.

Additionally, MLMIC has assembled a number of other critical resources to support New York physicians as they navigate the pandemic. This information, which includes the latest developments in medicine and government, can be accessed on our website.