Webinar Analyzes Key Factors in Million-Dollar Claims in New York

webinar on million dollar medical liability claims in new york

On June 26, at 12 p.m., HANYS and MLMIC are hosting a one-hour webinar examining million-dollar claims in New York. As the state’s leading medical professional liability carrier, MLMIC processes more New York claims each year than any other carrier, giving it access to four decades of New York-specific medical liability data. After an analysis of closed claims from a five-year period, MLMIC was able to identify the leading causes and the contributing factors of losses that exceeded $1,000,000.

Please join MLMIC Risk Management and Claims representatives as we present our review of these cases and share strategies to reduce the risks of such high-exposure professional liability claims to your organization. Upon completion of the webinar, “Million-Dollar Claims: A Closer Look,” participants should be able to:

  • identify the leading causes of loss in million-dollar claims;
  • analyze the key factors leading to significant payments in these claims;
  • recognize the chief medical misadventures identified in these files; and
  • implement risk management strategies to lessen the risks of high-exposure professional liability claims within your organization.

This webinar is designed to offer relevant claims data and risk management perspectives to policyholders, organizations and staff, including Risk Managers, Quality Improvement Managers, Medical Directors, Office Practice Administrators/Managers, Office Practice Staff, Nurse Administrators, Staff Development, Patient Safety Officers and Healthcare Counsel.

To register for this HANYS-MLMIC webinar, please click here.