SILO: Customized Protection for Employed Physicians

SILO is an insurance program designed to provide comprehensive protection for employed physicians through cutting-edge analytics, risk mitigation, and claim services.

MLMIC insurance solutions tailored for your organization

MLMIC has been processing medical professional liability claims in the New York healthcare arena since 1975 – giving us unique insights that can optimize the effectiveness of each employer’s risk financing program at a fixed cost mindful of their budget.

Discover Potential Cost Savings

Unique Pricing Expertise

To optimize the effectiveness of each employer’s risk financing program at a fixed cost.

Segregation Of Risk

Distinct from any other coverage or self-insurance program.

Risk Sharing Options

Including deductibles, aggregate limits, and policy structures.

Settlement Authority

Employers can possess settlement authority for claims against physicians within the program.

United Defense Savings

SILO physicians put forth a united defense whenever possible and share the cost of one assigned defense counsel.

Take Advantage Of Risk Mitigation.

  • Early Intervention Team To resolve meritorious matters at the earliest possible time and, in many cases, avoid potential litigation
  • Claims Data Analytics To identify potential exposures and offer pointed benchmarking and recommendations
  • Claims Engagement With a dedicated MLMIC Claims Team to manage the process collaboratively
  • Customized Risk Management To actively identify and manage specific areas of risk
  • Monthly Open Claims Reports To assist with organization, identify potential trends, and monitor case development

Benefit From Concierge Services

Dedicated Team

To oversee and manage all aspects of SILO, with status meetings scheduled on a routine basis

24/7 Hotline

To assist at any time with healthcare-related questions or issues that arise for employers and their physicians

Risk Management CME Courses

Including a robust library of New York-focused offerings, all available at no additional cost

Learn more about the potential New York healthcare professional insurance cost savings, risk mitigation, and concierge services offered by SILO from MLMIC Insurance Company.

Did you know?

New York’s medical professional liability indemnity payments are the highest in the nation, but just 2% OF DOCTORS NATIONWIDE GENERATE HALF OF ALL PAYMENTS*

The language provided in this page is for general informational purposes only. Nothing contained in this page is intended to constitute, and should not be construed as, a solicitation of insurance in any state in which MLMIC is not licensed, an interpretation of any insurance provision or policy nor as legal advice on any subject matter. Therefore, you should not rely on the information provided herein as a policy interpretation or as legal advice on any subject matter for any purpose, and should always seek the legal advice of competent counsel in your jurisdiction. All policy provisions discussed in this page are subject to underwriting approval. Information in this page should not be construed as a coverage interpretation of the policy in whole or in part. Actual coverage determinations are subject to all of the terms and conditions of the actual policy, endorsements, application, and any actual claims. Nothing contained in this page shall serve to amend, alter or modify the terms, conditions or exclusions of each individual insurance policy.

* National Practitioner Data Bank Public Use Data File, December 2018, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Health Resources and Services Administration, Bureau of Health Workforce, Division of Practitioner Data Bank.

All references to MLMIC refer to MLMIC Insurance Company, Colonie, NY 12205.