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How good is your informed consent? Does it adequately provide the necessary information for a patient to make an informed decision and will it pass judicial scrutiny?

Do you know what to do when an unhappy patient demands money?

Do you know which facts and circumstances can increase potential liability for discharging a patient?

Learn, or reinforce your understanding of, the ABCs of: DNR, Health Care Proxies, MOLST, Living Wills, and other issues concerning advance directives.

Receive a cutting-edge educational presentation on a risk management topic of your choice.

Available at no added cost, MLMIC 24/7 hotline offers immediate access to experienced, knowledgeable professionals who can provide:

Advice and guidance on health-law concerns and risk management issues

Valuable resources for dealing with complex medical-legal challenges, including how to handle adverse outcomes

Input on correspondence and subpoenas, medical-legal documents, and more

Review of legal documents and forms pertaining to risk management issues, including AMA, end of life, disruptive patients, and more

MLMIC policyholders can reach 24/7 emergency support services by calling (844) 667-5291 or emailing

The attorneys from the MLMIC Legal Department, perform thousands of hours of professional liability services per year exclusively for MLMIC policyholders. They are uniquely qualified to assess medical-legal issues and assist policyholders to minimize liability exposure.

This service is offered only to MLMIC policyholders.

To learn more about MLMIC 24/7 Hotline contact a MLMIC representative.

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Case Study: Delay in Diagnosis and Treatment of a Retroperitoneal Sarcoma

A 65-year-old patient complained of left-sided abdominal pain for several years. In 2016, the patient underwent a CT scan, and a MLMIC-insured radiologist found no significant findings. More than three years later, a large mass was discovered, and the patient brought a lawsuit against several parties, including the radiologist, for not finding it earlier. Read what happened and our analysis of the case.

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