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Get insights and guidance from MLMIC and other leading sources on medical professional liability, risk management, and more.
Are You Using All of Your MLMIC Benefits?
MLMIC has successfully defended more NY physicians than any other NY medical liability insurer. This level of protection is always there in case you need it, but did you know we also offer a host of additional benefits and resources that can help you in your daily practice.
Phishing Email Disguised as HIPAA Audit Notification
HHS has issued an alert that a phishing scam email is being circulated on mock HHS departmental letterhead. This email, which appears to be an official government communication to HIPAA covered entities, prompts recipients to click a link regarding possible inclusion in the HIPAA audit program.
As a Result of Continued Fiscal Strength, MLMIC Declares New Dividend
MLMIC’s latest dividend is based on overall assets of $5.8 billion, a surplus of $1.9 billion and a net income of $100 million. These figures, available in the company’s Q3 statement, show the company’s overall financial condition remains sound.
What Should You Do When Dental Records Are Damaged?
Natural or manmade disasters and building malfunctions can befall a dentist’s office, resulting in the partial or complete destruction of dental records. These catastrophes do not, by themselves, automatically absolve a dentist from the responsibility to maintain patient records.
Simple Written Instructions Improve Patient Compliance
A recent study showed a significant increase in patients’ proper use of pre-operative medications when they were provided with simple written instructions.
Fall 2016 Edition of Dental Dateline Available Online
Dental Dateline is the newsletter for MLMIC-insured dentists. The Fall 2016 edition has just been added to our website.
A.M. Best Special Report Reveals Risk Retention Group (RRG) Impairments
In a recent special report on the insurance industry in the United States, A.M. Best – a leading insurance rating organization – notes a disturbing trend among risk retention groups (RRGs): they appear to be failing at an increasing rate.
Are Your Patients’ EHRs Vulnerable to Hacking and Ransom Demands?
Hospitals aren’t the only facilities at risk. Private practices, which typically do not have onsite IT personnel, are vulnerable to ransomware and other attacks by hackers.
The Joint Commission Updates Policy on Texting Medical Orders
The Joint Commission (JC) has updated its 2011 memo regarding texting orders. It now allows for the immediate use of texting for medical orders providing certain criteria are met.
MLMIC’s Q2 Statement Shows Continued Strength and Stability
Given recent press comparing us and our major competitor in New York, it is reassuring to know that as New York’s leading medical liability insurer MLMIC is sound and ready to serve its policyholders.