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Category: Hospitals

CDC Expands Criteria of Those at Higher Risk for COVID-19

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says additional age-related factors and underlying medical conditions increase an individual’s risk of severe COVID-19.

July 10 Webinar on Emerging from the COVID-19 Pandemic

On July 10, MLMIC and MedPro Group will present a one-hour webinar with guidance and strategies for protecting medical practices while emerging from the COVID-19 pandemic.

New Risk Prediction Model Can Help Inform Clinical Care Decisions Related to COVID-19

A new risk prediction calculator, called the nomogram, can help physicians forecast a patient’s risk of testing positive for COVID-19, as well as the severity of the disease.

NYSDOH Updates Requirement for COVID-19 Testing Prior to an Elective Surgery

Amended guidance issued by the New York State Department of Health directs hospitals and healthcare facilities to test patients for COVID-19 five days prior to an elective surgery.

In Response to the Pandemic, Healthcare Organizations Should Consider Four Key Changes

Based on the widespread impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, experts say healthcare organizations should consider four key changes to mitigate the effects of any future large-scale disruptions.

Strategies for Managing Physician Mental Health Problems Caused by the Pandemic

The Joint Commission shares important considerations and guidance related to mental health problems among healthcare professionals caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Risk Management Tip: Follow-up of Missed or Cancelled Appointments

A well-defined process for following up on missed or cancelled appointment will help ensure continuity of care and enhance patient safety. Review this Risk Management Tip from MLMIC to reinforce related policies and protocols within your practice or facility.

New CMS Regulations Address High Rates of COVID-19 in Nursing Homes

Due to high COVID-19 rates in nursing homes, CMS says it will increase enforcement for facilities with persistent infection control violations and impose enforcement actions for lower level infection control deficiencies.

“Expression of Concern” Issued About Data Cited in Two Major COVID-19 Studies

Recent statements issued by the New England Journal of Medicine and the Lancet share significant concern related to the credibility of two major studies evaluating the safety and efficacy of hydroxychloroquine to prevent and treat COVID-19.

MLMIC Launches Podcast with Guidance for Reopening Medical Practices

To support policyholders as they resume operations, MLMIC has recorded a podcast with recommendations and key considerations for safely and effectively reopening.