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Category: Hospitals

MLMIC Announces New Partnership With NYSSOS

Under the new partnership, MLMIC and NYSSOS seek to improve patient safety and the quality of care while remediating the adverse medical malpractice environment in New York.

Record Date Policyholders Vote to Approve MLMIC Plan of Conversion

By a vote of 6,635 out of 6,979, the Plan of Conversion and Amended and Restated Charter were approved by the Record Date Policyholders in accordance with Section 7307 of the New York Insurance Law.

Hudson Doctors Purchasing Group Members Can Save 10% with MLMIC

Hudson Doctors IPA and MLMIC are pleased to announce a partnership that will bring a 10% discount to qualifying members of the Hudson Doctors IPA who join the recently formed Hudson Doctors Purchasing Group.

Healthcare IT Can Reduce Diagnostic Errors by Facilitating Action on Test Results

The ECRI Institute recently convened a working group to identify how technology can facilitate timely action regarding test results and prevent missed or delayed diagnoses.

Reducing Readmissions: Strategies for Hospitals

The readmission reduction efforts outlined by Becker’s not only improve patient care but also make sense as part of a hospital’s proactive risk management strategy.

Q2 Financial Summary Shows Strength of New York’s #1 Medical Malpractice Insurer

MLMIC’s Q2 financials show continued strength and stability for New York’s leading medical liability insurer. In a consistently challenging insurance marketplace, it is reassuring to know that MLMIC is sound and ready to serve its policyholders.

New York State Sepsis Initiative Reduces Pediatric Death Risk by 40%

Researchers have found that completion of a sepsis protocol within one hour decreases the odds of death by 40%. However, the finding holds only if the entire protocol is completed in an hour.

Clarification of Ability to Make Assignments of Cash Consideration

MLMIC has always recognized that eligible policyholders have the right outside the plan of conversion to assign their right to receive their allocable share of the cash consideration. MLMIC will honor any properly drafted and signed assignments that it receives from eligible policyholders on a timely basis.

MSCQ and MLMIC Collaborate on “Social Media in Healthcare” Lecture

On Wednesday, August 15, the Medical Society of the County of Queens (MSCQ) is hosting “Social Media in Healthcare,” presented in collaboration with MLMIC as part of the MSCQ Office Practice Lecture Series.

Clarification of the Description of the Extraordinary Dividend in the Policyholder Information Statement

In the proposed transaction with Berkshire Hathaway, MLMIC announces an important clarification on the description of the extraordinary dividend to NICO.