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Category: Hospitals

Winter 2017 Case Review Now Available

The Winter 2017 edition of Case Review contains two case studies: one regarding a delay in the diagnosis of breast cancer; another regarding a breach in the standard of obstetrical care.

Inflation Adjustments Increase Civil Monetary Penalties Imposed by HHS

Healthcare facilities and providers are encouraged to review the updated list of penalties for compliance purposes.

FDA Ban on Use of Powdered Gloves Is in Effect

Effective January 18, 2017, the FDA has banned the use of powdered gloves in healthcare. MLMIC recommends that all insureds protect their patients and ensure their practices are in compliance.

Federal District Court Finds Hospital-Owned Urgent Care Center Must Comply With EMTALA

Hospitals should be aware that provider-based urgent care centers that are held out to the public as such will likely meet the definition of a “dedicated emergency department” and will be subject to full EMTALA compliance.

Media Reports Management Changes Within Major Medical Malpractice Insurance Carrier

On January 17, the Albany Times Union reported a new development in the struggles for one of New York’s major malpractice insurance carriers. Instability of a large provider creates some uncertainty for the entire market, of course, but we want to assure MLMIC policyholders that their coverage is not at risk.

The Joint Commission Reverses Its Position on Texting Medical Orders

The Joint Commission (JC) issued a clarification reversing its position on the texting of medical orders: “The use of secure text orders is not permitted at this time.”

Latest Developments in NY’s Medical Malpractice Insurance Marketplace

Instability of a large provider creates some uncertainty for the entire market, of course, but we want to assure MLMIC policyholders that their coverage is not at risk.

New Risk Management Seminar Audio Available Online

Additions to MLMIC’s available online risk management seminars include an update on MOLST and eMOLST; best practices for serving transgender patients; an overview of telehealth, telemedicine and mHealth; and a review of 2016 healthcare law.

Are You Using All of Your MLMIC Benefits?

MLMIC has successfully defended more NY physicians than any other NY medical liability insurer. This level of protection is always there in case you need it, but did you know we also offer a host of additional benefits and resources that can help you in your daily practice.

Addressing Mistaken Identity in Healthcare Settings

Mistaken identity compromises patient safety, and MLMIC wants to alert policyholders to the need for protocols that can prevent such errors.