Publications & Resources

Get insights and guidance from MLMIC and other leading sources on medical professional liability, risk management, and more.

Category: Hospitals

MLMIC and HANYS Present “Common Claims Against Physicians: A Specialty Review”

MLMIC, in collaboration with HANYS, will present a webinar on June 5 highlighting claims data for the most frequently targeted medical specialties, identify the most common allegations against physicians and offer strategies to mitigate the risk of these claims.

Taking Action to Address Drug Shortages

MLMIC’s risk management team discusses patient safety concerns related to drug shortages and presents strategies for managing, documenting and communicating key challenges and decisions.

The Albany Report: New York State Enacts 2024-25 Budget

The latest edition of MLMIC’s The Albany Report focuses policyholder attention on the 2024-25 New York State budget.

May 2024 Events for New York Physicians

MLMIC hopes to see you at this month’s events for physicians and healthcare professionals across New York State!

MLMIC Podcast Explores a Case Involving Treatment of a Hand Injury

Kathleen Harth, Assistant Vice President, Claims, talks about a medical malpractice case that went to trial. The claim involved a failure to properly treat fractured fingers resulting in loss of use of the hand.

Addressing Your Liability Risks During the Healthcare Staffing Crisis

In this webinar, MLMIC and HANYS will discuss the ongoing healthcare staffing crisis from a professional liability perspective and will offer strategies to mitigate the risks.

MLMIC’s Cardiology Claims Data Snapshot

MLMIC’s Cardiology Claims Data Snapshot examines allegations & contributing factors, including human factors & healthcare system flaws, that result in patient harm.

A Chat with Monroe County Medical Society Leaders

In this episode of The Verdict, MLMIC’s Tammie Smeltz converses with Monroe County Medical Society (MCMS) leaders about upcoming events and the benefits of joining a local medical society.

Risk Management Tip: Communicating and Following Up on Critical Patient Test Results

To protect your medical practice, check out MLMIC’s recommendations for communicating and following up on critical test results.

April 2024 Events for New York State Physicians

Come join MLMIC at these events for physicians and healthcare professionals across New York State this spring!