Publications & Resources

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Category: Physicians

Talk Studio: Special Albany Report on Pending Legislation

A new episode of MLMIC’s “Talk Studio” features a conversation on the Wrongful Death Legislative Liability Expansion.

New York Medical Liability Webinar Presented by MLMIC

This June 24 webinar and panel discussion, presented by MLMIC, will examine the pandemic’s impact on New York medical liability.

Providing LGBTQ-Friendly Healthcare

Physicians and healthcare providers can support LGBTQ patients through inclusive communications and office environments.

Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act Webinar Hosted by MedPro

This June 21 webinar will review the requirements of the EMTALA and how the statute impacts care delivery.

Talk Studio: Key Questions to Ask to Ensure You Are Protected Through Your Medical Professional Liability Coverage

A new episode of MLMIC’s “Talk Studio” features a conversation on key questions to ask about medical professional liability coverage.

New York 2022 Regular Legislative Session Concludes

The latest edition of MLMIC’s The Albany Report focuses policyholder attention on the conclusion of the New York 2022 Regular Legislative Session.

New Issue of “The Scope: Medical Edition” Features Top Anesthesia-Related Allegations

The newest issue of The Scope: Medical Edition, MLMIC’s risk management publication, is now available online and offers the latest health, legal, risk management and insurance information.

Emergency Department Liability Webinar Hosted by MLMIC, HANYS and MLMIC Legal Department

This June 8 webinar will discuss emergency department liability risk.

The Importance of Antibiotics Stewardship

Although antibiotics resistance is known as a major public health concern, physicians continue to overprescribe these drugs. MLMIC examines how to mitigate this issue.

Considerations for Selling or Closing a Medical Practice

MLMIC outlines basic procedural principles and legal concerns associated with selling or closing a medical practice.