May 5, 2021

Attorneys Respond to Medical Professional Liability FAQs on the Doctor-Patient Relationship

MLMIC encourages policyholders to review attorneys’ answers to frequently asked questions on medical professional liability related to the doctor-patient relationship, including legal guidance on when the relationship begins and how to discharge a patient.

April 30, 2021

Patient Generated Health Data Requires New Protocols for Use and Documentation

Patient generated health data adds a new dimension to practice management, and it’s important to examine it from a risk management perspective, including the protocols physicians and hospitals will need to utilize the data effectively and safely.

April 15, 2021

Risk Management Tip: Managing Negative Online Reviews

Healthcare providers recognize that along with their practice websites, public websites and social media sites can be used as marketing tools to inform the public of their services. The online community, however, is then afforded an opportunity to respond, rate, and, at times, complain about those services. Review this Risk Management Tip from MLMIC to reinforce related policies and protocols within your practice or facility.