May 2024 Events for New York Dentists

A group of dentists at a presentation.

May is a fun-filled month for the MLMIC Dental Team. We’re thrilled to share the following meetings with you and look forward to connecting with dentists throughout the state at the NYSDA House of Delegates!

Fifth District Dental Society, CE Seminar

May 3

Hampton Inn, Cazenovia, New York

Don’t miss out on your opportunity to earn continuing education credits at the Fifth District Dental Society’s 2024 Spring Seminar at the Hampton Inn in Cazenovia. During the morning program, speaker Dr. Marc Geissberger will talk about clear aligner therapy in the general dental practice and injection molding during the afternoon session. Stop by the MLMIC table to say hi to one of our dental team members!

For more information on this seminar, look here.

Suffolk County Dental Society General Membership Meeting

May 8

Hauppauge, New York

MLMIC is sponsoring and attending this event at the Radisson Hotel in Hauppauge. Residents from the Stony Brook School of Dental Medicine will provide several educational programs during this meeting, and attendees will receive 2 CEUs. We hope to connect with some of you at this event. To register, look here.

Nassau County Dental Society General Membership Meeting

May 13

New Hyde Park, New York

We hope to see you at the Nassau County Dental Society’s General Membership Meeting at The Inn at New Hyde Park. Learn more about how artificial intelligence is changing the field of dentistry and obtain 2 CEUs. MLMIC is a proud sponsor of this event, and we look forward to chatting with you at our table. Register here.

Ninth District Dental Society General Membership Meeting

May 15

Tarrytown, New York

Dr. Yongkun Kim is presenting: “Minimally Invasive Reconstructive Dentistry in an Era of All-on-X, Patient-Centered and Occlusion-Driven” at the Ninth District Dental Society’s General Membership Meeting at the Sleepy Hollow Hotel in Tarrytown, New York. MLMIC is a proud sponsor of this event! Stop by our table to meet members of the MLMIC Dental team. Learn more and register now!

Second District Dental Society New Dentist Job Fair

May 19

Brooklyn, New York

Looking to join a new practice or just gathering information about job opportunities? Check out the Second District Dental Society’s New Dentist Job Fair, which will be held at their headquarters at 111 Fort Greene Place in Brooklyn. If you are new to the practice of dentistry and looking for insurance coverage, stop by our table and speak with one of our team members about our new Premium Pricing Plan. For more information about what the Second District has to offer for new dentists, look here

Fourth District Dental Society Saratoga Dental Congress

May 23-24

Saratoga, New York

MLMIC is excited to once again support and attend the Fourth District Dental Society’s Saratoga Dental Congress at the Saratoga City Center. Don’t miss the chance to connect with your colleagues, earn CEUs and enjoy beautiful downtown Saratoga. We hope to chat with you at our exhibit table. To check out the spectacular education programs and register, click here.

NYSDA House of Delegates

May 31 – June 2

Verona, New York

The MLMIC dental team will be out in full force at the 2024 NYSDA House of Delegates at the beautiful Turning Stone Resort in Verona, New York. You may see some of the team members at the golf outing sponsored by the Ninth District Dental Society, at our exhibit table or at the New York State Dental Foundation Brunch. We are so grateful for our partnership with NYSDA and look forward to sponsoring and attending this event every year. Additional information regarding the House of Delegates meeting can be found here.

In addition to our busy event schedule, MLMIC is offering the following two educational programs for dental residents:

  • NYC H&HC, Woodhull Hospital, Friday, May 17

Dental Residency Educational Webinar, “An Ounce of Prevention”

  • Lincoln Medical Center, Bronx, NY, Wed. May 22

Lunch and Learn, Presentation to Dental Residents. 

Residency directors can reach out to Patricia Mozzillo at to learn more about MLMIC’s educational programs for dental residents and schedule an event for your university or dental residents!

We hope to see you at some of these events this May. Follow us on LinkedIn or Twitter to stay in the loop about the dental industry.