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MLMIC Sponsors Event to Celebrate NYSAFP 70th Anniversary

In celebration of its 70th anniversary, the New York State Academy of Family Physicians (NYSAFP) is hosting a special program during its 2018 Congress of Delegates the weekend of June 23-24 at the Hilton Garden Inn in Troy, NY.
The NYSAFP Congress of Delegates is the annual business and policy-making meeting of the Academy. Approximately 100 delegates and officers of the Academy will meet in Troy to establish policy, elect officers and conduct business.
At dinner on Saturday evening, Marc Price, DO, will be installed as president of the NYSAFP, which will also honor outgoing president Sarah Nosal, MD, FAAFP, at that time. Michael Munger, MD, president of the American Academy of Family Physicians, will be their special guest and will install the NYSAFP officers. In addition, this year’s dinner program will showcase photos from past years, letters from the incoming and outgoing presidents and information about the Family Physician of the Year and Family Educator of the Year. To commemorate its 70th anniversary, the NYSAFP will also feature many past presidents, officers and staff that have contributed to advancing the Academy’s mission over the years.
MLMIC is a proud sponsor of this event and encourages physicians to visit our exhibit table on Saturday from 7 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. The NYSAFP is an endorsed partner of MLMIC.
About the NYSAP
The NYSAFP supports the continued development of family medicine through programs to educate family physicians in the latest developments in clinical and management practices. It advocates for patients via a regular and effective presence in Albany where policy decisions are made that affect the health care system and the resources that are available to provide the care patients need and deserve. The NYSAFP supports efforts to expand and replenish the supply of family physicians through programs that encourage and support medical students as they make decisions regarding the areas of medicine in which they will specialize. It supports public policies that encourage and accommodate healthy lifestyles and protect the public against potentially harmful practices.