A Big Thank You To Our Policyholders

MLMIC would like to thank all our amazing policyholders for taking the time out of their busy schedules to participate in our survey in honor of “Get to Know Your Customers Day”! We received so many thoughtful responses. Here are some of the highlights:

Why did you decide to go to medical school?

Most of our policyholders chose the field of medicine because they were passionate about caring for and helping people.

What do you find to be the most valuable aspect of being a MLMIC policyholder?

We were very pleased to learn that many survey participants felt the most valuable aspect of being a MLMIC policyholder was the complete and total support by our claims team when involved in litigation. Our insureds replied that they were grateful for the stellar group of attorneys that MLMIC retains to fight against frivolous lawsuits. This allows our policyholders to practice the best medicine they can. Some of our insureds also replied that they enjoy our CME programs.

What additional services/support can MLMIC offer?

A big thank you to everyone for your suggestions! MLMIC routinely updates and expands our educational programs. One suggestion was developing an educational program that discusses the array of EMR systems on the market because each system addresses patient care in a different manner.

What social media platforms are you on?

Our responses revealed that most physicians use Facebook, LinkedIn or Twitter. However, many of our policyholders indicated they do not have time to spend on social media.

What is your No. 1 concern about the future of medicine?

The responses to this question were the most interesting. Corporate takeovers that focus on profits over the importance of good clinical care was seen as a major problem. Provider burnout due to administrative burdens was a significant concern, as well as issues with reimbursements not keeping up with the costs of patient care. Some policyholders are concerned that AI will take over and will dehumanize the practice of medicine. 

MLMIC values each and every one of our policyholders and we are here to assist in any way we can! Thanks again to everyone who participated!

Photo by Courtney Hedger on Unsplash