September 2, 2020

Emergency Regulation from NYSDOH Increases Testing for COVID-19 and Influenza

To ensure integrity statewide in data reporting related to COVID-19 and influenza, NYSDOH has announced an emergency regulation to increase testing in all patients with known exposure or symptoms. The mandate includes postmortem testing in specific scenarios within 48 hours of death.

April 28, 2020

PPE Guidance for Dental Practices as Conditions Change During Pandemic

When dental practices return to more standard care, they’ll have to do so while mitigating the spread of the virus. The ADA’s Interim Mask and Face Shield Guidelines are available to help them prioritize the safety of patients, dentists and staff as long as COVID-19 infection remains a risk.

April 10, 2020

New York Public Health Law Provides Immunity for Facilities and Professionals Responding to COVID-19

New York has enacted the Emergency Disaster Treatment Protection Act, a new statute in the Public Health Law that provides healthcare facilities and professionals immunity from civil or criminal liability when delivering care related to COVID-19.

April 10, 2020

Cuomo Executive Order Extends the Suspension and Modifications of Healthcare Regulations during COVID-19 Pandemic

A new Executive Order issued by New York Governor Cuomo continues certain healthcare and malpractice liability directives outlined in previous Executive Orders that address the COVID-19 pandemic.