Publications & Resources

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Tag: patient care

How Hospitals Can Support Healthcare Worker Mental Health

MLMIC shares strategies to alleviate the stress of physicians and other clinical staff amid the ongoing challenges of COVID-19.

The Benefits and Risks of Text Messaging in Healthcare

Using text messaging to communicate with patients can improve care and boost engagement, but may also create challenges for privacy and documentation.

How Physicians Can Support Patients with Long COVID-19

Prioritizing empathy, setting care goals and involving multi-disciplinary specialists may help physicians address post-COVID conditions.

How to Effectively Treat Difficult Dental Patients: Part 1

In almost every dentist’s practice, there are difficult dental patients. In this first installment in our new blog series, we will provide recommendations for treating patients who demand or abuse narcotics; are rude or threatening to the dental professionals; or are noncompliant. All patients, even difficult ones, must be evaluated and treated by their dentists until and unless they have been formally discharged from care.

Providing LGBTQ-Friendly Healthcare

Physicians and healthcare providers can support LGBTQ patients through inclusive communications and office environments.

The Importance of Antibiotics Stewardship

Although antibiotics resistance is known as a major public health concern, physicians continue to overprescribe these drugs. MLMIC examines how to mitigate this issue.

Addressing Parental Vaccine Hesitancy

MLMIC shares strategies to help address vaccine hesitancy in parents

Factors That Increase Chances of Medical Errors

To mitigate risk, MLMIC examines common sources of medical errors such as medication mistakes, lack of communication and workplace distractions.

Encouraging Patients to Resume Routine Care

MLMIC shares tips to help physicians encourage patients to return to routine care after delays caused by COVID-19.

Your Dental Patient Requests a Refund. What Now?

Over the course of years of practice, a dentist may encounter an unsatisfied patient who requests a refund because of a cosmetic concern, discomfort or pain. Before granting that request, dentists should be aware of the potential consequences of that action. Our blog takes a look from a legal perspective.