Publications & Resources

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Tag: patient care

Mitigating Risks Associated with Improper Performance

MLMIC’s analysis of chief medical factors associated with improper performance shows that multiple specialties are involved and different types of procedures are triggering lawsuits.

Risk Management Checklists: Challenges Within the Physician-Patient Relationship

MLMIC encourages policyholders to review these important Risk Management Checklists on the physician-patient relationship, including guidance on properly discontinuing the physician-patient relationship, treating patients with whom you have a close relationship and managing patient noncompliance.

FDA Issues EUA for Monoclonal Antibody Treatment of COVID-19

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration issued an emergency use authorization for simultaneous administration of monoclonal antibodies bamlanivimab and etesevimab to treat COVID-19 patients who meet specific criteria.

Assessing Patient Readiness for Elective Surgery Following COVID-19

Guidance published by Oregon Health & Science University scientists outlines a preoperative protocol for surgical care teams to evaluate the readiness of previously COVID-positive patients for elective procedures.

Risk Management Tip: Utilizing Telehealth in Your Practice

A properly selected telehealth system can provide an effective format for healthcare delivery absent an in-person visit. Physicians are advised to consider a number of factors when determining if telehealth technology will benefit their practice and patients.

Risk Management Tip: Effective Telehealth Patient Engagement

There are key factors to consider when determining whether a telehealth encounter is the right choice for an individual patient.

Becker’s Releases Key Patient Safety Challenges for 2021

To improve patient safety, Becker’s says healthcare leaders should prioritize 10 challenges currently at the forefront of care.

Strategies to Optimize Telehealth Encounters

With the rise in telehealth, physicians are advised to adopt practices that will enhance virtual patient encounters.

ISMP’s Safe Practices for Preventing COVID-19 Vaccine Error

ISMP advises healthcare providers to adopt safe practices to help prevent adverse events associated with distribution and administration of the COVID-19 vaccine.

Strategies to Mitigate Risk Related to Documentation, Communication & Follow-up

MLMIC has developed universal risk management strategies to prevent liability claims related to documentation, communication and follow-up.