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Tag: patient communication

Dec. 31 Deadline for Cures Act Compliance

Reminder for physicians, hospitals and healthcare facilities regarding information blocking regulations for electronic health information

How to Write a Dental Patient Dismissal Letter to Properly Discharge a Patient from Care

Coming to the decision to discharge a dental patient from care is not easy. No dentist wants or enjoys doing so, but there are times in the dental-patient relationship when changing dentists is in the best interest of both the patient and the dentist.

Tips for Working with Patients on Missed Medical Bill Payments

Collecting medical payments can be especially challenging. MLMIC offers strategies that help patients pay their bills on time and avoid non-payment.

Case Study: Treating a Noncompliant Patient

MLMIC provides a legal and risk management analysis of an ophthalmologist’s actions in regard to a noncompliant patient.

How Physicians Can Encourage STI Screenings Amid Rising Infection Rates

MLMIC examines how physicians can address patients’ sexual health through STI screening, which has decreased because of the pandemic.

How to Effectively Treat Difficult Patients, Part 1

MLMIC shares guidance for interacting with patients who are hostile, drug seeking or noncompliant.

Improving Healthcare Accessibility for Patients with Disabilities

Physicians and healthcare facilities can promote healthcare accessibility by recognizing the unique challenges that patients with disabilities face and removing barriers to care.

How Hospitals Can Protect Healthcare Workers from Harm

Healthcare employees face unique workplace hazards. MLMIC explores how hospitals can develop protocols that boost staff safety and minimize risk.

The Importance of Documenting Consent in Dentistry

It’s vital that dentists understand the importance of documenting consent in dentistry. The law and best practices require that informed consent be obtained before treatment begins on a patient. The failure to do so may result in malpractice liability.

The Benefits and Risks of Text Messaging in Healthcare

Using text messaging to communicate with patients can improve care and boost engagement, but may also create challenges for privacy and documentation.