Publications & Resources
Get insights and guidance from MLMIC and other leading sources on medical professional liability, risk management, and more.
Get insights and guidance from MLMIC and other leading sources on medical professional liability, risk management, and more.
Guidance for SDoH Screenings in Primary Care
AHRQ’s new screening tool provides direction for practices who wish to begin SDoH assessments, as well as recommendations to connect patients with needed services to improve their health.
Risk Management Checklists: Technology in Healthcare
MLMIC encourages policyholders to review these important Risk Management Checklists on technology, including guidance on EHR copy/paste, computers in exam rooms, patient portals, protected health information, health IT and online reviews.
Patient Generated Health Data Requires New Protocols for Use and Documentation
Patient generated health data adds a new dimension to practice management, and it’s important to examine it from a risk management perspective, including the protocols physicians and hospitals will need to utilize the data effectively and safely.
Practices to Address Gaps in Preventative Patient Care
Healthcare experts report recent growth in patient care gaps. Providers can leverage patient engagement strategies to ensure adherence to routine care and screenings.
Mitigating Risks Associated with Improper Performance
MLMIC’s analysis of chief medical factors associated with improper performance shows that multiple specialties are involved and different types of procedures are triggering lawsuits.
MLMIC Insight: Leading Factors that Contribute to Claims in Healthcare
This MLMIC Insight highlights key factors that contribute to claims in healthcare and resources to mitigate risk related to these concerns.
Risk Management Checklists: Challenges Within the Physician-Patient Relationship
MLMIC encourages policyholders to review these important Risk Management Checklists on the physician-patient relationship, including guidance on properly discontinuing the physician-patient relationship, treating patients with whom you have a close relationship and managing patient noncompliance.
Strategies to Optimize Telehealth Encounters
With the rise in telehealth, physicians are advised to adopt practices that will enhance virtual patient encounters.
Strategies to Mitigate Risk Related to Documentation, Communication & Follow-up
MLMIC has developed universal risk management strategies to prevent liability claims related to documentation, communication and follow-up.
New Issue of “The Scope: Medical Edition” Features Guidance on Utilizing Telehealth in Your Practice
The newest issue of The Scope: Medical Edition, MLMIC’s risk management publication, is now available online and offers the latest health, legal, risk management and insurance information.