September 15, 2020

Risk Management Tip: Using Chaperones During Physical Examinations

Providers must recognize that, at any time, a patient may make a complaint to the Office of Professional Medical Conduct alleging that he or she was the victim of a physician’s sexual misconduct. Having a chaperone present during intimate physical examinations may be beneficial to both the physician and the patient. Review this Risk Management Tip from MLMIC to reinforce related policies and protocols within your practice or facility.

September 11, 2020

CDC Says Frontline Healthcare Providers with Undetected COVID-19 Infections Could be Spreading the Virus

CDC says understanding the prevalence of and factors associated with COVID-19 infection among frontline providers is essential for developing effective strategies that minimize the spread of the virus in healthcare settings.

August 28, 2020

Amid the Pandemic, Seeking Emergency Medical Care for Heart Attack Symptoms Remains Critical

Mayo Clinic researchers say the correlation between the decline in online searches for heart attack symptoms and fewer emergency department visits for acute heart problems raises concern that some patients may be avoiding care due to COVID-19.

July 15, 2020

Risk Management Tip: Safely Caring for Patients of Size in the Office Practice

Physicians’ offices may not be well equipped to accommodate patients of size. Providing a safe environment, while optimizing sensitivity to the needs of this patient population, will enhance patient care and minimize your exposure to claims of negligence. Review this Risk Management Tip from MLMIC to reinforce related policies and protocols within your practice or facility.

June 15, 2020

Risk Management Tip: Follow-up of Missed or Cancelled Appointments

A well-defined process for following up on missed or cancelled appointment will help ensure continuity of care and enhance patient safety. Review this Risk Management Tip from MLMIC to reinforce related policies and protocols within your practice or facility.

June 10, 2020

New CMS Regulations Address High Rates of COVID-19 in Nursing Homes

Due to high COVID-19 rates in nursing homes, CMS says it will increase enforcement for facilities with persistent infection control violations and impose enforcement actions for lower level infection control deficiencies.