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Tag: physician burnout

Strategies for Patient Safety – The Case for Comprehensive Burnout Solutions

Patient Safety Awareness Week reminds us that safer care starts with proactive strategies. Candello’s “Strategies for Patient Safety” explores the impact of physician burnout and data-driven solutions to reduce risk and improve outcomes.

Physician Well-Being: Meditation and Mindfulness to Battle Burnout

Try these techniques to boost mental well-being, which can help you better serve patients and experience a more fulfilling career.

How Medical Scribes Can Decrease Physician Burnout and Increase Productivity

Introducing a medical scribe into your practice may help combat the increased workload associated with the EHR while allowing physicians more time to focus on patient interactions.

How Hospitals Can Support Healthcare Worker Mental Health

MLMIC shares strategies to alleviate the stress of physicians and other clinical staff amid the ongoing challenges of COVID-19.

Healthcare Workers Face Increasing Risk of Workplace Violence

Workplace violence in healthcare continues to multiply and adversely impact a current state of burnout and staffing shortages.

The Crisis of Physician Burnout During COVID-19

While caring for patients throughout the global healthcare crisis, physicians have put themselves at risk of contracting COVID-19 and dealt with a lack of resources and staff – all while taking care of, or in many cases, neglecting, their own mental health.

Five Strategies for Supporting Healthcare Professionals During the Pandemic

An alert issued by The Joint Commission highlights the critical importance of supporting clinicians bearing the weight of the COVID-19 crisis.

Becker’s Releases Key Patient Safety Challenges for 2021

To improve patient safety, Becker’s says healthcare leaders should prioritize 10 challenges currently at the forefront of care.

MSSNY and MLMIC Partner to Provide Physician Wellness Support

MLMIC has partnered with The Medical Society of the State of New York in its effort to provide New York State physicians with resources to address mental health challenges resulting from today’s medical environment.

Strategies for Managing Physician Mental Health Problems Caused by the Pandemic

The Joint Commission shares important considerations and guidance related to mental health problems among healthcare professionals caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.